
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Primetime Pole Dancing!

I know Kyle Sandilands is painful to watch but the ladies from Girlfriend Pure Pole Angels are worth it!

So tune in tonight (April 20) on channel 7 at 7:30pm to see Kim, Michelle and Emma, on Australia's Got Talent.

Check out their website to see even more crazy videos of their unique style!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Did I hear you say SALE?!?!

Do you know what my second and third favourite words that start with "S" are? That's right, shoes and sales!!! (I'll try and keep my modesty by not saying what my most favourite word that starts with "S" is)

Misty Rose is having a MASSIVE clearout of all her shoes and other pole attire, so get in quick! Her prices are insanely cheap!!!

Find her on face book under Misty Rose.

My new shoes!!! -->